Most Arduino users have the Arduino Uno board and they have 6 analog pins. This line sensor has been designed to take advantage of all those analog pins. If you are planning to make a line follower or line maze solver robot based on Arduino Uno, this sensor is one of the best options for you.
For Arduino Mega users, we have a 10 sensor variant of this product.(Click here)
1. Great analog line sensor for Arduino Uno. Also compatible with any 5V microcontroller board with analog input.
2. Supports Pololu QTR library (QTR RA) LINK. You can use it just like a Pololu QTR analog sensor.
3. Sunlight and flash resistance. Ability to turn ON & OFF IR LEDs by Arduino digital pin.
4. Small and compact design. Uniform 1cm distance between IR sensors for better line detection.
Click the Documents tab for a user manual, circuit connections, and codes.